The Brief were commissioned to record a series of live podcast sessions at the Tech Open Air conference in Berlin. Samsung Next sponsored the podcast stage at TOA19. Conference organisers wanted to allow a small audience to watch the podcast episodes being recorded and produced live.
The Solution
Our team captured every minute of each discussion on location using high quality equipment to provide a wide selection of recordings for Samsung Next to include on their podcast episodes. A producer was on site for each discussion to monitor levels, adjust equipment and ensure best results.
One of the main challenges with the conference, was producing a studio-grade recording using a less-than-perfect environment, the room wasn't properly sound treated, there was an audience in the room and a generally busy environment with the conference going on. These problems were overcome using the right equipment coupled with expert knowledge and didn't pose any issue for our experienced team. The end result was a professional podcast and you can listen to an episode on the player above. 
We also produced a series of video content to aid TOA in future marketing and promotion efforts both around the conference and inside the podcast stage room. You can watch our case study & see various highlights below.

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